830 Michigan Avenue (208) 476-7091
Here are a few actual cases from Dr. Popovics offices, their histories, and their before & after x-rays:.
R.L. - 30 Year Old Male
R.L. is a 30 year old male who has been complaining of lower back pain since he was 15 years old. After seeing medical doctors in Brazil and Physical Therapists in the U.S., no one was able to tell him what was causing his pain.
His x-rays showed a 9mm short left leg with a compensatory left lumbar translation, as well as a significant increase in his lumbar curve (a hyperlordosis). R.L. was given a 9mm heel lift for his left shoe, and was adjusted 3 times per week for 90 days. Even though he had been suffering with pain for more than 15 years, his pain was gone completely after 6 weeks, and his post-x-ray showed a complete correction after just 90 days.
B.G - 53 year old male
The first x-ray of B.G shows a posterior head translation that had been causing the C5-6 disc to degenerate and a bone spur to grow on the posterior side of C5 into the spinal canal. It was causing left shoulder pain and arm weakness. The second x-ray (taken 4/05) was after 90 days and 36 visits of specific chiropractic adjustments and extension compression traction. This shows a marked improvement, and he exhibited almost a complete remission of his symptoms. The third x-ray was taken after 6 months, at which time, correction was complete.
Lindsey W. - 10 years old
Lindsey was brought to our office because she had headaches daily for over a year after a car accident several years before. After no x-rays and exceeding her maximum lifetime dosage of Tylenol in 1 year at the recommendation of the doctors at the hospital, her mother (a nurse at the same hospital) brought her to us as a last resort.
Her 1st x-ray shows a 36mm anterior weight bearing which is stretching her spinal cord and putting serious pressure on her brain stem. The second x-ray shows her cervical spine after 90 days of being adjusted and extension tractioning 3 times per week. Her symptoms were completely gone at this point, but her spine was only 50% corrected. The last x-ray was taken after approximately 12 months. She was then being adjusted once every 2 weeks. No Tylenol or headaches for over 9 months!
Larry L. - 58 Years Old
Larry came into the office after experiencing almost 20 years of low back and leg pain that was getting more frequent and more severe each time.
The first x-ray was on day 1, and shows a large left thoracic translation, L3-4 disc degeneration, and bone spurring (degenerative bone and disc disease). Just like with all of the other chiropractors he had seen over the years, his pain was gone after about 2 weeks of adjustments, but it took a full 12 months to correct his spine 100% (the second x-ray). There we can see the disc has regenerated completely, and his bone spurs are resorbing (getting smaller)!
Linda E. - 49 Years Old
Linda was a hospital administrator who entered the office after more than a year of daily headaches and increasing numbness, tingling, and progressive muscle weakness in her hands. Her medical care consisted of 3 medications and surgery on the horizon. No x-rays were taken!
In her first x-ray, we can see a reversed cervical curve, large bone spurs at C4-5, and only 3mm of disc space remaining. This is stretching her spinal cord and literally choking the life out of her C4-5 nerves (to her arms and hands). By the 3rd month of her care, Linda had been adjusted and completed cervical extension traction 3 times per week in the office, and even though all of her symptoms were gone, her curve was only 20-25% corrected. The last film in this series shows almost 100% correction after 15 months. Her C4-5 disc is now 8mm and regenerating! ...and to think that her C4 & 5 vertebrea would have fused within the next 5 years!
Copyright Information: Please note that all of the information on this website was created by and remains copyrighted property of Dr. Damon Popovics. Any unauthorized use of any of the information contained herein, including, but not limited to case studies, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.